Veterinary Care for Animals Planning Overseas Journeys

Veterinary Care for Animals Planning Overseas Journeys

Don't Overlook These Signs That Your Beloved Pet Needs to See the Vet!

by Sophie Knight

Health emergencies for your pet aren't always as obvious as you might think, and it can be easy to dismiss certain signs of a needed appointment with a vet as being common problems with animals or just your pet acting up or acting out for attention. However, a responsible pet owner will ensure that he or she knows the signs and symptoms of a medical problem with their pet, and is ready to take them to the vet as needed. Note a few of those here so you can keep your pet healthy and safe.


An animal may get very restless when they want to go outside and are simply bored, but sometimes restlessness, wandering around the house, the inability to sit still for long times when they could once rest, and other such similar behavior is a response to pain. A pet may have headaches, stomach pain, or other such internal pain and cannot manage it in any way but to get up and walk around. If you find that your pet is suddenly very restless and is not satisfied with being let out, being encouraged to play, or other common ways of alleviating general boredom, it may be time to take him or her to the vet.


The opposite of restlessness, a pet may suddenly become very withdrawn and start to avoid you, the family, and everyday activities. This too is often a response to pain or illness, as they may not want any stimulation or to be touched in any way. If this withdrawal is very unusual and cannot be explained away by other common causes such as very hot weather or simply getting a bit older and less playful, and especially if it's accompanied by whimpering and loss of appetite, it's time for a vet visit.

Bathroom habits

You may not want to monitor your pet's bathroom habits, but suddenly needing to urinate more often can mean a urinary tract infection or diabetes. Lack of bowel movements can mean a blockage of some sort, or constipation that should be treated with medication. Loose stools can mean a stomach infection, food poisoning, and the like. Be cautious about changes in your pet's bathroom habits especially if they're long-term and these symptoms don't correct themselves within a day or two.

Bad breath

Pets can have bad breath just from what they eat, but if the problem is very noticeable, this often means oral health concerns. In turn, these can lead to oral infections that might spread to another area and cause severe health problems for your pet. Rather than trying to give your pet over-the-counter breath treatments, have a vet check out the cause of the bad breath.


About Me

Veterinary Care for Animals Planning Overseas Journeys

When you have a dog or a cat, they become a treasured part of the family, and you don't want to leave them at any cost. This is true even if you move or travel abroad. Hi, my name is Katie, and I traveled with my dog for nearly 10 years before his passing one year ago. I loved every moment we had together, but I also learned a lot of important things about the type of veterinary care travelling animals need. If you want to learn about veterinary care or tips for travelling animals or just in general, I invite you to explore my blog.

